About Paolo Broccardo

About Paolo Broccardo

Paolo Broccardo

Paolo Broccardo is a content creator and author known for his diverse interests and creative work. He is a full-time homesteader and researcher, and a passionate advocate for a healthy, natural, self-sustaining lifestyle, emphasizing freedom and independence from conventional societal structures. He is also an avid student of the esoteric, metaphysical, occult and natural.

Paolo explores and shares his journey in health, life, photography and music, showcasing his interests and creations in various creative fields. Paolo’s work can be found on YouTube, his blog and numerous other websites.


Earlier Life

Paolo was born in Cape town, South Africa, where he lived and worked until the age of thirty. He studied Information Technology at Cape Peninsula University of Technology and worked fulltime as a software engineer and web developer, and part-time as a DJ.

In 2010 Paolo quit full-time employment and left South Africa to live in Europe. After spending time in different countries, he settled in Hungary in 2019, where his homesteading adventure began.

TRT and Health Advocacy

Paolo’s journey into testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) began with his own experiences managing low testosterone. He created his main YouTube channel and TRT blog  to share his experiences and educate others about TRT, aiming to help men take control of their health, hormones and lives. Paolo’s approach to TRT was to keep it simple and easy to understand. His approachable manner and in-depth knowledge have made him a trusted figure in this niche, providing valuable guidance for those navigating TRT.

In 2024, Paolo released his controversial book “The Anarchist’s Guide To TRT.” This book provides a guide to self-managed TRT, reflecting his broader philosophy of self-reliance, bodily-autonomy and scepticism towards mainstream medical and governmental systems​.

Personal Philosophy and Lifestyle

Paolo’s content is underpinned by a strong philosophical stance advocating for personal freedom and autonomy. His work is heavily influenced by voluntaryist and anarchist principles, which is evident in his advocacy for self-managed TRT and his broader, unconventional lifestyle choices. He encourages his audience to question authority and seek truth, a theme that prevails throughout his work.

Beyond his professional endeavours, Paolo is an advocate for a holistic and natural lifestyle. His personal values emphasize truth, freedom, health, and nature – principles that he incorporates into his daily life and content.

Homesteading and Self-Sufficiency

Paolo began homesteading full-time in 2020 and received his Permaculture Design certification in 2024. He is deeply passionate about living and promoting a self-sufficient and sustainable lifestyle.

He documents his experiences on his website, sharing the highs and lows of this type of lifestyle. This aspect of his life reflects his commitment to living in harmony with nature and his efforts to inspire others to consider alternative, more self-sufficient ways of living. Paolo’s content covers various aspects of homesteading, from DIY projects, gardening and sustainable living to personal anecdotes about the challenges he faces.

Music and DJing

Paolo worked as a DJ under the alias Cheeky. Bit by the DJing bug at age 15, he developed a love for electronic music that remains to this day. Paolo’s style and work was extremely popular and landed him multiple appearances on South Africa’s two biggest radio stations. He also played at many of Cape Town’s popular bars, night clubs and house parties.

His website and second YouTube channel feature DJ mixes, megamixes, bootlegs and his original music, showcasing his passion for dance and electronic music. He regularly releases mixes that span various genres, particularly house, trance, and hard dance, often blending classic tracks with modern beats.


Paolo’s interests and work are not confined to YouTube. He is also a passionate photographer with a keen eye for detail and a soft spot for beauty and the feminine. His earlier work was primarily portrait and glamour photography, but in later years he expanded to architecture and landscapes.

His photography work is showcased on his website, where he has documented various captivating subjects, from historic architecture to serene landscapes. His photography often focuses on picturesque locations in Hungary, a country he has a deep affinity for.

In summary, Paolo Broccardo is a dynamic creator whose content spans TRT, health and freedom advocacy, self-sufficient living, music and photography. His unique blend of practical advice, personal experience, and philosophical insights offers a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in health, homesteading, dance music and the unconventional. Through his channels and writings, Paolo continues to inspire and educate his audience, promoting a natural lifestyle of independence and self-reliance.


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