This was my first Ultimix on 5FM, which aired in February 2008, creatively titled: Cheeky’s First Ultimix. The 5FM Ultimix At 6 aired...
Go Funk Yourself was a three CD series of DJ mixes created by DJ Cheeky in 2007, covering commercial, funky and electro house music.These...
Go Funk Yourself was a three CD series of DJ mixes created by DJ Cheeky in 2007, covering commercial, funky and electro house music.These...
Go Funk Yourself was a three CD series of DJ mixes created by DJ Cheeky in 2007, covering commercial, funky and electro house music.These...
A one hour vinyl mix of funky house and club classics from the 90s and 2000s. Perfect for the car and the beach. Tracklisting 01) Live...