This was my first Ultimix on 5FM, which aired in February 2008, creatively titled: Cheeky’s First Ultimix. The 5FM Ultimix At 6 aired...
Go Funk Yourself was a three CD series of DJ mixes created by DJ Cheeky in 2007, covering commercial, funky and electro house music.These...
Go Funk Yourself was a three CD series of DJ mixes created by DJ Cheeky in 2007, covering commercial, funky and electro house music.These...
Go Funk Yourself was a three CD series of DJ mixes created by DJ Cheeky in 2007, covering commercial, funky and electro house music.These...
A one hour vinyl mix of funky house and club classics from the 90s and 2000s. Perfect for the car and the beach. Tracklisting 01) Live...
Title says it all. We’re starting the new year with a cheeky, bouncy ass mix. Guaranteed to make you dance and firm up your glutes after...
This month’s selection of Hard-house Anthems, including two of my very own Cheeky Productions. Track-listing below. Tracklisting 01)...
This Summer’s hottest house anthems, featuring ATFC, Roland Clark, Antoine Clamaran, Jamiroquai, Croatia Squad and more.
The May 2017 selection of the best banging house, mixed the Cheeky way.
This month’s selection of best banging house, mixed the Cheeky way.