
The Effects Of Wifi, Mobile and Other Electromagnetic Frequency Radiation

Most people are unaware of the harmful effects of EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) radiation, emitted by everyday devices such as your wifi router and mobile phone. If you’re one of them,
then this quick post is for you.

Up till very recently, I was also one of these people that dismissed the effects of EMF. I too believed, without verification, that these technologies must be safe.

Otherwise they wouldn’t be allowed to release them, right? Wrong!

One thing you learn very quickly as a “truther” is to verify everything for yourself, because so much of what we’ve been told and taught is wrong or misleading.

EMF radiation is extremely toxic to the body, and in high amounts can absolutely cause adverse health effects. The most common side effects are headaches, sleeping issues and depression/anxiety.

There are tons of bodies of work out there for you to explore and research on this topic.

However, today I simply wanted to share with you a very basic breakdown, so that you can get a quick crash course in the subject that’s really easy to understand.

George at has put together two very basic articles on EMF which is a great introduction and starting point for those looking for some more information.

Wifi Vs. Cellular Radiation: Real-Life Numbers + 3 Safety tips

What Is EMF Radiation? A Beginners Explanation In Plain English

These articles will probably blow most of your minds. Especially the figures from the live tests he performs in his own home.

However, the purpose of this post is not to alarm you, but rather to arm you. Arm you with information for what you’re up against, and what you can do to protect yourself from this radiation.

I recently moved my wifi router outside the house and hard-wired (using ethernet cables) the internet throughout my house. I also disabled my data connection (4G) on my mobile phones and only use the wired connections now. These are just some basic precautions one can take to reduce these negative effects.

I highly recommend learning about the effects of EMF and the precautions you can take to protect yourself, and especially your young ones.

For those of you that would like a deeper dive into the history of electricity and EMF and the effects on human life, I highly recommend the book “The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life” by Arthur Firstenberg. It’s fascinating and helps to explain a lot of what we see going wrong in our world today. (Available from Amazon and other outlets)
For those of you that would like a deeper dive into the history of electricity and EMF and the effects on human life, I highly recommend the book “The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life” by Arthur Firstenberg. It’s fascinating and helps to explain a lot of what we see going wrong in our world today. (Available from Amazon and other outlets)
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Full-time homesteader, health-nut, researcher and truth seeker. Part time DJ, photographer and pain in the butt. "I want the truth! You can't handle the truth!"

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